Friday, August 31, 2012

Fill in the _____ Friday

  1. Over this Labour Day weekend, I will be... trying to get stuff done around the house, but probably mostly doing anything but.
  2. With the political debates going on right now my thoughts are... what political debates? (Just kidding. Sort of.)
  3. Today... I am headachey and tired. I'm glad it's Friday. The weekend can't get here soon enough!
  4. The best thing I've cooked recently was...Um.... cook?
  5. The last thing I bought was... a Starbucks latte.
  6. The best movie I saw this summer was... Probably The Dark Knight Rises... but I honestly don't remember the movies I watched. Oh! And Ted. That shit was hilarious.
  7. The best book I read this summer was... Compacts and Cosmetics by Madeleine Marsh (read my review here). Definitely an acquired taste, but since I'm fascinated by makeup I got a real kick out of it!
As always, thanks to Lauren at The Little Things We Do for the blanks!

1 comment:

  1. Bahaha, "cook?", you're hilarious. I'm not gonna be doing anything this weekend either. I mean, isn't there a law that states nothing of productive (like cleaning) is supposed to be done on a holiday weekend? Pfft. Totally.


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